Oscil­lat­ing between sound, per­for­mance and chore­og­ra­phy, Lau­ren Brincat’s live sculp­ture, Tut­ti Presto FFF, rein­ter­prets the icon­ic site of the Syd­ney Opera House as a lay­ered, exper­i­men­tal, rov­ing con­tem­po­rary art project. This new poly­phon­ic piece puls­es with the sound of tem­per­a­tures ris­ing! ris­ing! ris­ing! and the burn­ing inten­si­ty of the momen­tary present. Step by step, I’m puls­ing with antic­i­pa­tion to make a work which will make you feel as if some­one placed a defib­ril­la­tor on your eye­balls and drum kit in your soul.

Tut­ti Presto FFF
2022/2023 (ongoing)
Live sculp­ture
Com­mis­sioned by the Syd­ney Opera House for VIVID LIVE 2022 & ‘Performances on the Quay’ A series of performance art jointly commissioned by the Sydney Opera House and the MCA.2023

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with com­pos­er Alyx Deni­son and chore­o­g­ra­ph­er Charmene Yep, the sound from six drum­mers will accom­pa­ny a silk score dance. From the Opera House Podi­um to the Forecourt.
Chore­o­g­ra­ph­er: Charmene Yap. Com­pos­er: Alyx Den­ni­son. Drum­mers: Alyx Den­ni­son, Lindy Mor­ri­son OAM, Bon­nie Stew­art, Hol­ly Con­ner, Niki John­son, Hay­ley Chan. Dancers: Lau­ren Brin­cat, Sarah Jamieson, Allie Gra­han, Juli­ette Bar­ton. Silk Score in Collaboration with Leah Giblin. Images: Romel­lo Pereira & Chloe Paul

Curator: Micheal Do